— issue #95

Gamedev.js Weekly #95

If you have anything you want to share with the HTML5 game development community please let me know by sending an email to andrzej.mazur@end3r.com.
I'm also open for related sponsorship opportunities and job listings.


TinyBuild: Indiepocalypse? What Indiepocalypse?
Everyone's looking back at this golden age of indie games... Times change. Everyone's making games now.
Matthew Handrahan at GamesIndustryBiz

MaxPlay's new game engine aims to be 'Google Docs for game devs'
A game technology company aims to entice developers into using its “cloud-based” game development platform.
Alex Wawro at Gamasutra

Weeby.co wants to take the reins of mobile game development
Instead of going through the tedious iOS development process, developers can deploy and share games built in HTML5 as they are built.
Nitish Kulkarni at Tech Crunch

Drive player immersion with game character psychology
Developers win when they use psychology to design characters. This increases engagement, brand loyalty and return game plays.
Scott Johnston at Spil Games

Seven things I did to reboot my life
About twenty years ago, I had a portable spa in the back yard of my first house. One day, the heater stopped working.
Wil Wheaton dot Net

Positional dungeon crawling
It's occurred to me that all three dungeon crawler games I currently play have something in common: positioning matters a lot.
David Stark at Gamasutra

List of the best resources to learn the foundations of Artificial Intelligence
This is a list of the best resources about AI that I could find on the web.
Ray Alez at Medium


Creation of an HTML5 game like Rise Above using Phaser and Arcade Physics – step 1
I divided the script in two sub-steps, one with the creation and the horizontal movement of the spaceship, and another adding barriers.
Emanuele Feronato's blog

How to make a Fruit Ninja game in Phaser – part 3
We will add a new game mode. This will imply in adding a title screen, refactoring part of our code and adding some extra content.
Renan Oliveira at GameDev Academy

Building up a basic demo with Three.js
We'll take you through the real basics of using Three, including setting up a development environment, structuring the necessary HTML, the fundamental objects of Three, and how to build up a basic demo.
Andrzej Mazur at MDN Games


HTML minifier


Phaser World newsletter

Free game sprite assets – war theme


BMW i8 car demo with PlayCanvas


The Marvellous Miss Take

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