— issue #93

Gamedev.js Weekly #93


Kickstarting your creative career
Even though many people don't consider themselves creative, I believe that everyone has a seed of creativity in them.
Bart Jacobs at Business Tuts+

How a front page Reddit post affected the sales of an indie game
On the 11th of September, right as our latest Kickstarter was dwindling into another failure I decided to write a post on Reddit and let people ask me anything.
Aksel Junkkila at Gamasutra

Fun with CSS colour names
I created a small game that allows you to train your knowledge of colours and their names.
Christian Heilmann's blog

Fact: people love space cows
Your favorite cow has been kidnapped by aliens and now you need to build a rocket.
Scott Johnston at Spil Games

Tilemaps in HTML5 games
Tilemaps are a very popular 2D game development technique. It consists in building up a large image from smaller pieces called tiles.
Belén Albeza's blog

Design 101: balancing games
We just entered the major balancing phase of Faeria’s development, which makes this a great time to talk about the topic of how to balance games.
Dan Felder at Gamasutra

7 psychological tactics used in games to hook users
Only games that encourage users to engage and spend regularly can survive.
Dori Adar at Designing Users' Behavior


Platformer tutorial with Phaser and Tiled, part 3
We will add the following content: player lives, so now you can actually lose, items that will increase the player lives or give an attack, and a level boss.
Renan Oliveira at GameDev Academy

Keyboard events with PixiJS
This tutorial is going to do a bit more than just show you how to accept input from the keyboard. We will work towards something we could almost call a micro-game.
Skuli Oskarsson at Goose Ninja

Writing a 3D space rail shooter in ThreeJS, part 1
In the course of this 3 part article series, you will learn how to write a simple 3D space shooter game with ThreeJS.
Martin Naumann at Packt Publishing blog


IBM Bluemix Cloud Contest for JavaScript addicted, win $2,200!


VexFlow, an open-source online music notation rendering API

10 game development tools you may not know


La plus grande cave a biere du monde

Uncanny Valley: a realistic WebGL face that follows your pointer


Fruit Dating puzzle game

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