Fact: people love space cows
Unsung Heroes Competition PocketGamerCoUK vote-winner grabs the public’s heart and an iPad.
Scott Johnston at Spil Games
Super Mario Maker crushed my dreams of making video games
I'd dreamed about making Nintendo games since I was 6 years old, but when the company gave me the chance to prove a game design genius lived under my skin, I flopped.
Sean Buckley at Engadget
When artificial intelligence in video games becomes... artificially intelligent
Artificial intelligence in video games helps bring virtual worlds to life; it lurks beneath the surface, determining the way a player interacts with a game. As the brains of a game, AI engages our brains.
Kris Graft at Gamasutra
Jam favorites: JS13KGames Jam
Some fantastic JavaScript games with tiny file sizes!
Jupiter Hadley at Gamejolt Fireside
Phaser texture atlas tutorial – how to make awesome sprites from scratch
There are plenty of sites where you can find free images for your games, but sometimes it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for.
Kristen Dyrr at GameDev Academy
Snake game using Cocos2d-x HTML5
Learn how to create true cross platform 2d game that works with same source code on mobile web and desktop using Javascript.
Meir Yanovich at Cross Platform Game Development Tutorials
Give your HTML5 game menu a nice bounce effect with Phaser
I decided to add a little universal “menu” icon at the bottom of the screen which moves a group with menu items some pixels to the top.
Emanuele Feronato's blog
Gideros Mobile cross platform SDK for the Web
Falsy Values conference and workshops starts this Monday
JS48 Jam episode 1 is happening this weekend
Particle Storm official Phaser plugin released
Pixelantasy theme – free pixel art sprites assets
PBS explains the magical math behind No Man's Sky