— issue #8

Gamedev.js Weekly #8


HTML5 vs Flash for Game Sponsorships
In short, if you’re in for the short term money and no risk: HTML5 clearly wins.
Ozdy blog

HTML5 Based Game Boy Emulator Comes To Smartphones
New York-based programmer Ben Midi has created a HTML5 Game Boy emulator for smartphones.
Sickr at My Nintendo News

The public perception of HTML5 and its association with games
As mobile smartphone users continue to increase month on month, year on year, the line between tradtional web users and mobile web users is steadily blurring.
Mark Wilcox at Gamasutra

HTML5 game company founder: we don’t need to innovate, we just need to be good
With its head office in Amsterdam, BoosterMedia recently opened offices in Tokyo and Singapore to focus on Asian markets and facilitate its international growth.
Saiyai Sakawee at Tech In Asia

Tizen App Challenge Announces Winners of $4+ Million in Prizes
The top 10 HTML5 apps were also eligible for an additional prize of $50,000 each.
Tizen Association

Erik Goossens: Indie Developers and Advertising
At Casual Connect Europe, Spil Games announced the release of the Spil Games Platform, a new way for Indie developers to drive revenue and engagement.
Catherine Quinton at Gamesauce

Tips for Getting Started with HTML5 Game Development
As a developer and a gamer I always wanted to make games, but I never actually did. In order to change that I threw myself a public challenge: build a new game every week in HTML5.
Thomas Palef at Flippin Awesome


Using CreateJs: PreloadJS, SoundJS, and TweenJS
In the first part of this series about using CreateJs, we had a look at EaselJs. In this second and last part, we will look at PreloadJs, SoundJs, and TweenJs.
James Tyner at Code Tuts+


An HTML5 Hidden Object Game Blueprint... game
Hidden Object games are an incredibly popular trend in the casual gaming space and are popular amongst all demographics.
Dan Milward at Kiwi.js blog

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