— issue #74

Gamedev.js Weekly #74


Power Surge – optimize JavaScript in this HTML5 game using Firefox Developer Edition
The Firefox Developer Tools team wanted to find a fun way to show off the great performance tools we’ve just added to the Firefox Developer Edition browser.
Jeff Griffiths and Harald Kirschner at Mozilla Hacks

Miss-able collectibles: I want it but not so bad I'll start the game over again
Collectibles are a cornerstone of gaming. Whether they be coins, weapons, lore, trinkets, weird floating orbs or what have you they are all important game design tools.
Christopher Gile at Gamasutra

5 ways to help you get a job in the games industry
As a recruitment agent I often find myself discussing how different the games industry is to recruit for versus any other.
Guy DeRosa at Develop Online

MMA could be the next big thing in game development if its potential can conquer hype
Game developers are naturally suspicious of the hype that comes with new technology, but the revenue potential for Mobile Marketing Automation makes it worth a closer look.
Scott Johnston at Spil Games

From the trenches - design politics
As most junior system designers, at the beginning of my career I devoured books and articles about how to make the best designs possible.
Alvaro Vazquez de la Torre at Gamasutra

Porsche Black Edition – engine sound particles
In this post I’ll explain some of the technical things needed to get my particles dance with the engine sound in maximum quality and performance.
Simppa's blog

2nd bird development: how to justify game jams
Game Jams are a lot of fun. That is something I’m sure most developers can agree on. But how do you justify them when you’re working on a larger scale project?
Nicholas Lives at Gamasutra

I hate my popular game: Star Driller Ultra post-mortem
In less than a week of submission, my third Ludum Dare entry, Star Driller Ultra has 76 votes. But I have a major confession to make about the game: I hate it.
Taro Omiya at Omiya Games


Sliding puzzle game in Phaser
The popularity of the Phaser game framework is growing rapidly. Let's focus on the basics of this library by creating a simple puzzle sliding game.
Zosia Korcz's blog

How to make a sweet HTML5 game
We are to go step by step through the process of making an HTML5 game. In our game the Sugar Overload is waging war against our humble vegetable village.
William Malone's blog

Creating an isometric world with PhaserJS, using the isometric plugin
In this article we present you the isometric plug-in for the Phaser game engine. We also show you how to use the plug-in with the PhaserJS library to create a simple wild west like world with a hero, some items to collect and an exit point.
Tizen Developers

New course: character design and animation for games
Jonathan Lam will take you through a step-by-step process, from learning how to design your character to managing your assets in animation programs such as Spine.
Andrew Blackman at Tuts+ Game Development


Cocoon Phaser Template: an official native app template from Ludei

Advanced Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript - Apress book from Rex van der Spuy


Animated 3D rubic's cube in CSS

Just Canvas: Just Dance idea plus HTML5 Canvas implementation


Valve's Chet Faliszek on VR development: 'We don't know anything'



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