— issue #69

Gamedev.js Weekly #69


The 2048 guys stole my iPhone game
I submitted my game to a notorious publisher. And they stole it.
Matt Akins at Medium

Understanding attribution of royalty-free game and blog content
How should you be handling attribution of royalty-free content?
Zachary Strebeck at Gamasutra

What if I want to make a game? Where to find the best game assets.
We are going to talk about resources and tools for creating the perfect assets. Today we will focus on the TOP 10 of our favourite 2D and 3D graphics assets.

Getting an audience for great mobile games
Socioball is an awesome game tailored specifically to take advantage of the mobile platform and yet the developer finds himself thwarted in getting it in front of users.
Scott Johnston at Spil Games

The history of Captain Forever
This is the story of Captain Forever, a game that exploded onto the indie scene in 2009 and did not make me rich.
Farbs at Gamasutra

Open Graph stories: the secret to increasing virality in Facebook Games
Here we have seen the functioning of virality in a social game — a game based on the possibility of interaction between players through social networks.
Matteo Sciutteri at Tuts+ Game Development

Local gaming companies find success on Kickstarter
Queen Creek-based Gamelyn Games recently completed another successful crowdfunding campaign through Kickstarter, raising $411,693 when its goal was only $15,000 for Tiny Epic Galaxies.
Jesse A. Millard at AZ Tech Beat

Balancing Gunsport: the trouble with asymmetry
Single-screen multiplayer games! It seems like they're the big burgeoning indie zeitgeist right now.
Brandon Sheffield at Gamasutra


How (and why) to write a great game design document
Every indie developer or team has asked themselves how best to manage the development process.
Alex Sayenko at Tuts+ Game Development

Creating 3D worlds with BabylonJS
This article will cover the setup and configuration of the library and the description of basic concepts of building a 3D world using BabylonJS for Tizen Web Applications.
Tizen Developers

From HTML5 to iOS native game with PhoneGap – step by step guide
Today I am going to show you how to easily convert your HTML5 game into a native iOS game using PhoneGap.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


OX, a tiny 2D game framework for the web

BabylonJS extension to create a game GUI


Kenney's gfx 3D Nature Pack

Arachne's Creative Commons pixel art thread


Star particles

Game of Thrones 3D map in WebGL


Aliens Attack

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