— issue #68

Gamedev.js Weekly #68


Optimizing WarSim
Indeed, HTML5 is getting faster, but complex games like this are still very rare.
Rémi Vansteelandt at Gamasutra

ARM's top 10 tools and tech for gaming from GDC 2015
The electronics giant rounds up some of the best software for games development seen at last month's conference.
ARM at Develop Online

The big list of HTML5 3D games engines
After the great success of our latest blog post we are happy to give you another useful list, this time about HTML5 3D games.

A very strange way to stop people getting sick using VR
If you haven't used one of the newer virtual reality headsets before, and you're tired of reading everyone's glowing reports on them, here's something else to consider: they also make some folks sick.
Luke Plunkett at Kotaku

Unsung Heroes: timing is everything when monetizing with freemium
Getting the monetization strategy wrong at the start was critical for one mobile developer.
Scott Johnston at Spil Games

From snakes to threads: preliminary studies for a videogame
Before starting the coding phase I tried to organize my thougts and finally decided to put everything into a post. This is what I ended up with.
Giuseppe Benvenuto at Gamasutra

Code Kingdoms teaches kids JavaScript with a puzzle adventure game
A growing number of apps now are geared toward teaching kids to code because it’s a valuable skill to learn.
Melanie Pinola at Life Hacker

A peek into the life of game developers at an indie studio
What does it take to be a successful independent game developer in today’s competitive, multi-platform market?
Scott Fegette at Lynda

Platform agnostic HTML5 game development and performance
Before we get too emotional, let’s be clear, packaged downloads and installs are here to stay for quite a while, but it has been thrilling to see others out there following and building the browser trail with us.
Matt Allan at Gamasutra

Gaming and the exaggerated, unrealistic human body
The latest PBS Game/Show episode with Killscreen's Jamin Warren tackles the issue of extreme human bodies in video games, and it would be tricky to find a more loaded topic at the moment.
Ben Kuchera at Polygon


How to make a smartphone controlled 3D web game
In this tutorial I'll explain an approach on how to connect your smartphone to a 3D web game. We'll be making a car which you can control by tilting your phone.
Charlie Walter at CSS-Tricks

How to “lock” orientation in your HTML5 responsive game using Phaser
The following example, made with Phaser, will show you how to “lock” orientation in a portrait responsive HTML5 game.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


Construct 2 Coin-op Jam


Game Pencil engine and editor

StetIO online image editor


Running HTML5 mobile web games at 60fps (slides)

How I learned to stop worrying and love the browser as a gaming platform (slides)


Mozilla games using PlayCanvas at GDC 2015

A closer look at the PlayCanvas 3D HTML5 game engine

Ricardo Cabello (Mr doob) - 5 years of ThreeJS


Ludum Dare 32 entries

GitHub Game Off III winners

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