— issue #62

Gamedev.js Weekly #62


Bringing native games to the Web is about to get a whole lot easier
GDC 2015 is a major milestone in a long term collaboration between Mozilla and the world’s biggest game engine makers.
The Mozilla Blog

Have an Oculus Rift and Leap Motion? Try this Web VR demo right now
Mozilla is making impressive progress in bringing virtual reality to the web.
Ben Lang at Road to VR

How to get on consoles as an Indie
Getting on consoles is easier today, but you should have in mind that consoles are still closed platforms.
Slawa Deisling at Gamasutra

Microsoft’s next attempt to fill the Windows 10 app gap: Web app apps
Web apps can be published in the store, busting them out of the browser.
Peter Bright at Ars Technica

3 ways to localize your mobile game for China
Without localizing you can still conquer Chinese market and it'll be the lowest cost option.
Scott Johnston at Spil Games

What would convince you to build a mobile web game?
From my perspective, what's lacking are quality games that truly take advantage of what the web brings to the table.
austinha at Reddit

How much do indie PC devs make?
A look at the release and sales of “Life of Pixel” on PC, Mac and Linux over the past ten months.
RichHW at Super Icon

Long-lost Sonic game revived after nearly two decades
A group of die-hard fans have taken an unfinished build of X-treme and made it playable to anyone with a Windows machine.
Andrew Webster at The Verge

HTML5 Rockstars: interview to Dmitriy Kapustin of Gemioli, Top Shootout 3D creator
Our HTML5 Rockstar of the month is Dmitriy Kapustin, creator of one of the coolest 3D games out there (the first 3D title in our catalogue) Top Shootout 3D.
GamePix's blog


Create an HTML5 game like “Drop Wizard” with Phaser – patrolling enemies
Now it’s time to add enemies to the game, and such enemies must be able to patrol the platform they are placed on.
Emanuele Feronato's blog

Tiled Game Engine: game loop
One of the most important part of any game engine is the so called game loop.
Elvarion's blog

HTML5 Flappy Bird prototype using Phaser states, extended classes and Arcade physics
Ok, I am (quite) a bit in late to show you how to make an HTML5 Flappy Bird game because a lot of tutorial writer already published several “Create Flappy Bird with <language_name>, anyway this is my take in the making of this game.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


Box2D premium plugin for Phaser


Build an HTML5 Game book published by No Starch Press

Free download of 10GB+ game audio resources from Sonniss (also on Reddit)


Dungeon WebGL demo made in Haxor Engine


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