Help improve Gamedev.js Survey 2024!
We’re continuing to ask YOU, our community for help with maintaining all the Gamedev.js Survey questions and answers, and keeping them relevant. Prize pool: $500, deadline: November 29th.
End3r at Gamedev.js
GOG’s Preservation Program is the DRM-free store refocusing on the classics
GOG still puts up new DRM-free titles, but it sees opportunities in oldies.
Kevin Purdy at Ars Technica
As an indie dev, I've published my first game on Steam, but it is pirated and I am not sure what to do
On Steam, I have 3-5 people playing the game live and the average daily sale is 30. Yet on Playfab, I have +1000 unique users even today and figures are increasing.
Mihriye at Reddit
These two classic shooters just became completely free, forever
Both Unreal and Unreal Tournament are freely shared via the Internet Archive, with Epic's blessing.
John Walker at Kotaku
Hacking cars in JavaScript
Running replay attacks in the browser with the HackRF.
Charlie Gerard's blog
OpenRouter - a unified interface for LLMs