— issue #554

The story of Space Huggers, js13kGames 2024 started, and Pxtex


Crafting a 13kb game: the story of Space Huggers
My game, Space Huggers is a run and gun roguelike platformer with procedurally generated environments and a pixel art style.
Frank Force's blog

The Epic Games Store finally arrives on mobile
It's here. Though Epic's mobile game store - complete with Fortnite and a Fall Guys exclusive - requires users to jump through a hoops right now...
Daniel Griffiths at PocketGamerBiz

Behold, Diablo is fully playable in your browser
It controls and looks great, though the game was outshined by its sequels.
Samuel Axon at Ars Technica

Supporting game design with evolutionary algorithms
Evolutionary algorithms can optimize game parameters by simulating various scenarios, enhancing design, especially for complex games.
Maciej Swiechowski at Game Developer


HTML5 prototype of a circular endless runner built with Phaser – final version in TypeScript with more optimization
In my opinion the circular endless runner prototype has potential, so I decided to update it to latest Phaser version, rewrite it in TypeScript and add some optimization.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


js13kGames 2024 start and theme announcement


Pxtex - mini randomized pixel-art textures

Kontra v10 released

Ascii-3d-renderer.js - 3D Renderer using ASCII


Frostapalooza frosty bubbles


Dweet of the week: remixed fractal


Draw fewer tiles

Open Source Special: js13kGames 2024 kick-off



Super Mini Jumper

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