— issue #552

Puckit! post mortem, Game Jams in August, and dynamic color sphere


Puckit! post mortem: I won! Creating a top-notch game with Phaser in under 2 weeks
Ever wondered what it takes to transform a simple idea into an award-winning game in just two weeks?
John at Reit Games

Indie game publisher Humble Games reportedly lays off all staff
36 people were reportedly laid off at the indie game publisher.
Chris Pereira and George Yang at GameSpot

Dungeons & Dragons taught me how to write alt text
I played a lot of the pen-and-paper roleplaying game in high school and college. I’m now conceptually more into Dungeon World’s approach, but I digress.
Eric Bailey's blog

Braid, Anniversary Edition ‘sold like dogs**t,’ developer Jonathan Blow says
"The future is uncertain."
Wesley Yin-Poole at IGN

Indie publisher Armor Games reportedly axes publishing team
Ex-staff claim the publisher has eliminated its entire publishing team. If true, it's unclear what that means for the games Armor's expected to publish.
Justin Carter at Game Developer


Build a HTML5 game like Zuma with Phaser and TypeScript – step 2: firing a gem and adding it to the chain
For optimal chain management, given its structure, I will no longer use arrays as in the first step but my doubly linked list class. Yes, there is always a reason why I develop something.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


Game Jams in August


Reldens - free, open-source MMORPG platform

Porffor - from-scratch experimental ahead-of-time JS engine


Dynamic color sphere

Windy leaves

Dweet of the week: Sierpinski sail


The Test of Insanity

Captain Jamaica demo

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