— issue #544

Kirby clone, Spine 4.2, and CRT shader demo


Do Steam players like hard games or approachable games?
Steam players like complexity, but do they like difficulty? Ironically they don’t like difficulty, mostly. I would say they like games that are Easy-Hard-Easy.
Zukalous at How To Market A Game

AI characters try figure out who is the human in VR
Reverse Turing test: can the AI NPCs figure out who is the human?
S999k at Reddit

30 years later, Tamagotchi player discovers in-game secret
Twin characters from a special Mothra-themed Tamagotchi were successfully unlocked by a determined fan.
Alyssa Mercante at Kotaku

Discord’s next chapter
A message from our CEO about the next chapter of Discord, how we’re building an even faster, more powerful app to take us there, and a new look to match where we’re headed.
Jason Citron at Discord's blog


Code a Kirby clone with TypeScript and Kaboom.js
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing and other features to improve the development experience.
Beau Carnes at freeCodeCamp

Modern JavaScript with no boring theory – loops
The goal is to create a very quick guide that users can refer to when engaged in more complicated tutorials, or even just to get the basics of JavaScript.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


JavaScript Minigames at ReactNext 2024


Spine 4.2: the physics revolution

Defold release 1.8.1

What's coming to GameMaker in 2024


CRT shader demo

Raylib game template demo

Dweet of the week: small sphere


PowerLess Hotel

Power Lifting

Power-Up Adventure

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