— issue #53

Gamedev.js Weekly #53


15 things to consider when designing microconsole games
The lessons below are ones I learned primarily from designing for the Ouya and GameStick, but are valid (and important!) when designing for other microconsoles, too.
Matthias Zarzecki at Tuts+ Game Development

Lessons of a failed game dev studio
This blog is a summary of lessons I've derived from reflecting on my time as an indie game dev studio founder.
Dom Drysdale at Gamasutra

20 gaming events you don’t want to miss in 2015
Meeting people, getting inspiration and having fun; the gaming industry is full of interesting events.
Scott Johnston at Spil Games

Tilt to Byte at MuVIM museum: a super cool exhibit about videogames
we started believing in fate when our designer Giulia found herself at MUVIM – Museum of Illustration and Modernity, in front of an AMAZING exhibition all about VIDEOGAMES!
GamePix blog

Perspectives of storytelling: Child of Light vs Valiant Hearts
Two of the games I had looked forward to playing the most in 2014 were Ubisoft’s indie-style offshoots Valiant Hearts: The Great War and Child of Light.
Alice Rendell at Gamasutra


How to create HTML5 games: MightyEditor
MightyEditor is an open-source cloud based solution for creating and hosting 2D HTML5 games. It is compatible with the game development framework Phaser.
GamePix blog

Using the Game Asset Manager in the Intel XDK
The Intel XDK provides a development environment for creating 2D HTML5 games using various game engines.
Michael E. at Intel Developer Zone

How to use AppWarp with Cocos2d-JS and Facebook
In the following tutorial, we will be using Cocos2d-JS and Facebook along with AppWarp to create a sample application to get the list of all online players in your App.
Suyash Mohan at ShepHertz


Phaser HTML5 game engine release version 2.2.2


Phaser Coding Tips - free weekly email

Minimap plugin for ImpactJS


Making JavaScript games tutorial 1 - setting up HTML Canvas


2300+ MS-DOS games available in the browser

Pest Control: Weasels with 20 new levels, achievements and more

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