— issue #500

Half a thousand weeks of web gamedev

This week's issue will be special, the very first non-standard one since, well, January 2014! I hope you don't mind the lack of usual content, but I wanted to take this unique opportunity to THANK YOU for sticking with the newsletter and reading it! So, here goes the only link in the issue #500:

Gamedev.js Weekly #500: half a thousand weeks of web gamedev
It’s been five hundred weeks, or 3500 days since the beginning of January 2014 when I started publishing the Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter. Time flies so fast!
Andrzej Mazur at Enclave Games

If you care about this newsletter, please support it! You can either buy a unique t-shirt, donate via PayPal, or reply if you'd like to learn about the bank wire or crypto options. It will be much appreciated, thanks!

Ps. Next week the regular issue #501 with web gamedev links will return!


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