Game tutorials should be easily skipped. Why is that so hard?
Let's talk about replay accessibility, not replay value.
Kevin Purdy at Ars Technica
Bluey: The Videogame in the works, according to evidence dug up by online sleuths
Listing on Australian government’s classification board website describes Bluey video game as a treasure hunt-style game.
Steph Harmon at The Guardian
Coding randomized Zelda patterns
I’ve been really enjoying the latest Zelda game, Tears of the Kingdom. One of the ways the game creates a cohesive aesthetic is by repeating patterns between the game environment and interface screens.
Paul Hebert at Cloud Four
Multiplayer Madness Game Jam starts August 11th
SoundStorm - efficient parallel audio generation
How do you use AI?
With 63% of devs working on or learning about AI-assisted development, this technology has the highest engagement rate. Help the community understand how you use it!
Three.js journey with lighting change
The making of Vampire Survivors - documentary
MyHouse.WAD - inside Doom's most terrifying mod