— issue #460

Cannon-es-debugger-babylonjs, low Earth orbit visualization, and Monster Mash


Slow Roads offers a chill, endless driving experience in your browser
Free, meditative driving game with no strings attached might help you escape the grind.
Benj Edwards at Ars Technica

What’s wrong with medieval pigs in videogames?
Some medieval videogames claim historical authenticity, but one particular farm animal is often overlooked...
Peter Alexander Kerkhof at Leiden Medievalists Blog

Couch co-op isn’t dead — here are our favorite split-screen games
For you and your pals.
Nicole Clark at Polygon

The Witcher Remake will recreate the original game in Unreal Engine 5
CD Projekt Red announced a remake of the first game in The Witcher series. Polish studio Fool’s Theory is developing The Witcher Remake using Unreal Engine 5.
Mike Minotti at GamesBeat

How Dome Keeper achieved a million dollar launch
It is an amazing success story from a team of only two full time developers.
Zukalous at How To Market A Game


Build a 3D HTML5 game like Stairs using Godot – step 2: adding endless randomly placed spikes and assigning materials to meshes
Now it’s time to add spikes to each step, just like in the prototype built with Phaser and ThreeJS. See also step 3: adding the bouncing ball using only trigonometry.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


Cannon-es-debugger-babylonjs NPM package - debug cannon-es and BabylonJS

Imagen Video - text-conditional video generation system based on a cascade of video diffusion models


Low Earth orbit visualization

Rainbow cuboid loader

Pumpkin Ghost Rider


Yuri Artiukh: animating triangles with Three.js


Monster Mash - Spooky House

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