— issue #458

Player device report, cubewarp, and Fruity Match


Someone got Doom running at 60 FPS inside Notepad
Watch out for paper cuts.
Justin Reeve at The Gamer

How I created a GameBoy-like game in 13kb
History of Gravepassing — my entry for js13kgames 2022.
Kacper Kula at Hypersphere

Playable Minecraft game made in Minecraft with Redstone
Now you can play Minecraft while playing Minecraft.
Theodore McKenzie at 80 LV

Lessons learned from Steam Next Fest
A lot this will be anecdotal so it may not apply to your specific situation, but hopefully it helps give you a sense of what to expect.
Stratemagician at Reddit

Stable Diffusion VR is a startling vision of the future of gaming
A glimpse into "real-time immersive latent space".
Katie Wickens at PC Gamer


Bouncy Light HTML5 prototype built using Phaser to handle game logic and Three to render 3D graphics, written in TypeScript
This is the result of an experiment I built while I was about to port the first step of Godot “Stairs” prototype in Phaser using ThreeJS to render 3D objects moving according to Phaser sprites.
Emanuele Feronato's blog

Puzzlescript: a dev’s guide to an HTML5 puzzle game engine
How to approach Puzzlescript, both a script and a platform that specialises in game rules for Sokoban style tile games, as a developer.
David Eastman at The New Stack


Phaser dev log - October 2022

The next big step: Godot 4.0 reaches Beta


Poki player device report


Cubewarp extra fancy

Bats flocking simulation



Fruity Match

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