— issue #428

Survey and Jam


AMD announces FSR upscaling 2.0, promises big, hardware-agnostic gains
Admits that FSR 1.0 wasn't up to snuff — which led to new, temporal-based solution.
Sam Machkovech at Ars Technica

GameStop confirms NFT marketplace will launch in 2022, reports revenue uptick
GameStop said its NFT platform is expected to launch by the end of the second quarter of fiscal year 2022.
Chris Kerr at Game Developer

Hogwarts Legacy’s big gameplay trailer reveals holiday 2022 release date
Coming to PlayStation, Xbox, and PC for the holidays.
Owen S. Good at Polygon

Are licensed games actually getting better?
We put a bit of conventional wisdom to the test and find it doesn't quite reflect what's actually going on.
Brendan Sinclair at GamesIndustryBiz


Automating Steam releases for HTML games with Electron Forge and Github Actions
I spent a good chunk of the last month streamlining Wilderplace’s build and release process - read on to learn how to do the same for your HTML game.
Saman Bemel Benrud at Trash Moon

Add Bootstrap component to your HTML5 games powered by Phaser thanks to its DOM support and properly scaling the component
An interesting Phaser feature that isn’t used as it deserves is DOM support.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


Gamedev.js Jam 2022 will run online April 13th-26th
Hosted on Itch.io again.


Brush Ninja - animated gif creator


Sema - Looking for recommendations of best practices
Sema is building a free code review tool. It includes a best practice library to make code reviews more complete. We are looking for suggestions on your favorite best practice guides to include - JS, JS frameworks, or other topics. If you have recommendations, will you share them at mvi@semasoftware.com

Gamedev.js Survey 2022 is now open
Fill the form to win $500 total (10 random participants, $50 each).



Maze generator

Loading goes off track


Ruined Ruins

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