Blockchain is only a game changer if players are stakeholders
Blockchain’s potential to decentralize virtually any organization and establish uniqueness and ownership of digital content makes it possible for individuals to interact in a trusted manner without the involvement of third parties.
Nicolas Pouard at GamesBeat
Animal Crossing players are recreating Breath of the Wild’s beautiful regions
Players reproduce its world one location at a time.
Ana Diaz at Polygon
Why Jagex is helping a RuneScape player make an idle game based on its flagship RPG
MMO developer's Chris Pfeiffer and Melvor Idle creator Brendan Malcolm discuss Jagex's latest publishing partnership.
James Batchelor at GamesIndustryBiz
How do they make browser games nowadays? Part 3
This time we’ll add more interactivity. Realtime statistics and collision detection, to be specific.
Alexander Saltykov at Medium
TypeScript class with no dependencies to handle Sokoban games in less than 10 lines of code
HTML5 example powered by Phaser.
Emanuele Feronato's blog
JS-ByteBase - a 2k JavaScript coding challenge
Aliendscapes - alien planet generator
Sightseeing tour of the Mandelbrot set
GDevelop intro tutorial: event system