— issue #412

QOI, Xbox Museum, and Cuzzle


Game remasters must respect creative history, not just make a fast buck
The disastrous launch of GTA Definitive Edition fails to respect the importance of the games, and shows a lack of regard for the value of the IP itself.
Rob Fahey at GamesIndustryBiz

Atari to sink up to $3.5 million into retro game streaming platform Antstream
The streaming company has now raised over $20 million to-date.
Chris Kerr at Game Developer

Meet the Minecraft players who beat the game without leaving spawn
Defeating the Ender dragon without moving from the spot you started should surely be impossible?
Kyle Wilson at Kotaku

The Forgotten City publisher Plug In Digital raises $75M for indie games
Private equity firm Bridgepoint Group led the round, and the money will allow the company to invest in more development and expand its footprint with multi-platform intellectual property publishing deals.
Dean Takahashi at GamesBeat


How do they make browser games nowadays? Part 2
This time we’ll move to more complex stuff, such as state management, higher order components and Gamepad API.
Alexander Saltykov at Medium

Space shooter tutorial with NEAR SDK
This tutorial will show you how to use the NEAR SDK in an existing space shooter game.
Svntax at GitHub


QOI — the Quite OK Image format for lossless image compression in O(n) time


Xbox Museum

⚙️ Fun with gears ⚙️

Futurissimo ıı



Dark Lands

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