Video games are risky, expensive, and a really good business
Making video games is an exercise in cognitive dissonance. It is a hit-driven business where you can never know how consumers will respond.
Jeff Grubb at GamesBeat
13 tiny and terrific entries from the js13kGames competition
It’s so incredibly impressive that the following developers were actually able to build something in just 13 kilobytes.
Lee Reilly at GitHub
melonJS platformer tutorial
This tutorial will primarily be focused on creating the basic element of a working game using Tiled as the level editor.
Control your cross platform HTML5 game with keyboard, mouse or touch input with an all-in-one TypeScript code, powered by Phaser
When you develop cross platform HTML5 games, you have to keep in mind that a lot of people will play them using different systems, each one with is own control system.
Emanuele Feronato's blog - real-time client/server communication over UDP using WebRTC and Node.js
New Phaser Editor 2D v3.30.0 is ready for the cloud and the desktop