— issue #387

Quicksave, Roblox, and Dust Bunnies


Quicksave Interactive has raised $1.3M for HTML5 social games
In the past four years social apps have started to offer integrated HTML5 games.
Dean Takahashi at GamesBeat

EarthBound secrets discovered on ancient floppy disk
In 2018, Marcus Lindblom, a former Nintendo of America employee best known for localizing EarthBound, discovered the floppy disk containing his personal files from that massive project in an old box.
Ian Walker at Kotaku

Facebook acquires Unit 2 Games
Crayta developer to expand content creator categories for social network gaming division.
Jeffrey Rousseau at GamesIndustryBiz

Steam now lets devs join forces and create their own bundles
Giving game makers the much-requested power to more easily curate package deals and catch the attention of the millions of users on Steam.
Alissa McAloon at Gamasutra


Web Monetization for Games
At its heart, Web Monetization is a JavaScript browser API that allows game developers to monetize their games by creating a constant payment stream.
Richard Davey at Phaser Tutorials

Roblox game making tutorials – complete guide
Roblox game making is not only fun for all ages, but allows you to easily create pretty much anything that comes to mind – and multiplayer support is built-in already.
Daniel Buckley at GameDev Academy


Phaser Editor 2D v3.14.0 released


🍩 Happy National Donut Day 🍩

🧩 Impossible Penrose Triangle loader in pure CSS 🔺


Dust Bunnies

Sammy the Seal

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