— issue #37

Gamedev.js Weekly #37


Series: How I developed 'Gravity Quest' using the Phaser framework
In this series of articles I want to provide some insights into creating that game using the Phaser framework.
Erik Wittern's blog

How Much Does An Indie Game Composer Cost?
This is what it all comes down to – price, right? Just how much is a music composer for your indie game actually going to cost you?
Chris Lines

I’m leaving Mojang
I make games because it’s fun, and because I love games and I love to program, but I don’t make games with the intention of them becoming huge hits.

Running an indie game store
I currently don’t have any games for sale, but since launching itch.io, the open indie game marketplace, I’ve collected a lot of data from a store’s perspective.
Leafo at itch.io

14 Games That Will Inspire You To Make Better Color Choices
Indie game developers answer only to themselves. They are free to use aesthetics like color to express themselves. Here is a list of 14 colorful games-in random order- that use the property in cool ways.
Scott Johnston at Spil Games

Apple Shows Love for HTML5 with iOS 8
This post documents our performance and technical breakdowns of the current state of HTML5 as iOS 8 becomes the baseline for Apple devices.
Sencha's blog

HTML5 game performance on iOS 8
iOS 8 has now been released, and represents a radical improvement in the performance of HTML5 games in both Safari and the web view for native apps.
Ashley at Scirra's blog

Polish dev Kickstarting a game he made with his feet
There's a lot of things that make Polish indie game developer Max Strzelecki different from you and I.
Charlie Hall at Polygon

Introducing fxpay for in-app payments
A while ago Mozilla announced navigator.mozPay() for accepting payments on Firefox OS. This was our first step toward helping developers do commerce on the web.
Kumar McMillan at Mozilla Hacks

Top Game Development Tools: Pros and Cons
According to our survey, a surprisingly high 29% of games developers are primarily building their apps without a third party engine.
Mark Wilcox at Developer Economics


Adventures in Phaser with TypeScript – Using Sprite sheets and Texture Atlases
A spritesheet (also known as a texture atlas), is simply a collection of images together in a single image file.
Game From Scratch's blog

Using SVG to shrink your PNGs
Wouldn’t it be great if you could get the compression of a JPEG and keep the transparency of a PNG? Well, you can, sort of. Here’s a little trick that I discovered while working on the new Sapporo Beer website.
Peter Hrynkow's blog

Tutorial: Build a Game with Phaser
In this tutorial I will show you how to use Phaser to build a really simple retro breakout clone.
Thomas Palef at DailyJS

HTML5 Diamond Digger Saga prototype made with Phaser
Some days ago I showed you how Diamond Digger Saga is basically based upon flood fill algorithm, now it’s time to make a working HTML5 prototype made with Phaser.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


Indie Game Festival in Bilbao


js13kGames entries - 129 games


MelonJS 1.1.0 is here

New Time Properties and Animation in Kiwi.js v1.1.0

Phaser-Debug, simple debug module for Phaser


Jesse Freeman - 5 Keys to Success When Building HTML5 Games

Mary Rose Cook live-codes a JavaScript game from scratch at Front-Trends 2014


X-Lab Colors, game about mixing primary colors

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