— issue #344

ECSY, Plankman, and Riko


Spelunky 2 launches on September 15
Spelunky 2 will debut on PlayStation 4 and PC. It adds new characters, enemies, and items. It will also support multiplayer with up to four players.
Mike Minotti at VentureBeat

Blizzard employees reportedly preparing demands for fair pay
As dissatisfied staff organise, spokesperson says management "looks forward to hearing from them".
James Batchelor at GamesIndustryBiz

Braid is getting an Anniversary Edition with redrawn art and a developer commentary
Coming to PC and consoles early next year.
Matt Wales at EuroGamer

Dr Disrespect teases an imminent return to streaming on YouTube
Evidence suggests that Guy 'Dr Disrespect' Beahm will start streaming on YouTube again.
Steven Messner at PC Gamer


Game developers are in demand on Vettery
Ready for a bold career move? Make a free profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers today.


Build a HTML5 prototype of Qomp upcoming game with Phaser and Arcade physics
You’ll love the concept: what if the ball of Pong game, trapped between paddles since 1972, manages to escape?
Emanuele Feronato's blog

How to make a menu with a selection cursor in Phaser 3
For menus in games that only support keyboard or gamepad input.
Tommy Leung at Ourcade


js13kGames 2020 starts August 13th


What's new in ECSY v0.4 and ECSY-THREE v0.1

Easy Resizer


Best Practices on How to Speed Up Your Postgres Queries. Free eBook
Learn how companies like Robinhood and Atlassian are able to speed up their queries by orders of magnitude. In this ebook, we share our best practices for optimizing Postgres performance.

SQL Murder Mystery


Plankman (a CSS game)

Mystic energy


Video games and the future of education



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