— issue #296

ZzFX, ML Terraform, and TIC-80


How to make 80-hour adventures for blind gamers
Accessibility consultant and blind gamer Brandon Cole offers advice on how to open up your epic blockbusters to the visually impaired.
Brandon Cole at GamesIndustryBiz

'It wasn't meant to be this lightning rod': Valve developer looks back at company's Epic Store exclusivity comments
It’s as inevitable as weather: A developer announces that their game will be temporarily exclusive to the Epic Games Store, and a rage tsunami bursts down their doors.
Nathan Grayson at Kotaku

What goes right and wrong when games like Diablo 3 take a decade to make
We look at what happens when games linger in development for more than 10 years.
Steven T. Wright at Polygon

SNES games are finally coming to Switch Online
16-bit of good news.
Tom Phillips at Eurogamer


Game developers are in demand on Vettery
Ready for a bold career move? Make a free profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers today.


Build a HTML5 game like Risky Road using Phaser, Matter physcis and Simplify.js
You must drive your car as far as you can while keeping an egg/diamond/whatever safe, by getting the right speed to pass obstacles.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


Android Development Mini-Degree - Go from Zero to Professional Android Developer. Master Java, Kotlin, SQL Databases, Google Firebase, Flutter and more.


ℤ𝕫𝔽𝕏 - Zuper Zmall Zeeded Zound Zynth

ML Terraform - neural network terrain generator trained on handmade 3D models

TIC-80 tiny computer



Calculating Pi using raindrops


Build Minesweeper in under an hour with Angular

Nigerian coder creates video games... aged 9


Journey Fox

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