— issue #277

Sunburst effects, Tower Defense ECS, and Go Chicken Go


Super Meat Boy Forever delayed for good, healthy reasons
Developer Team Meat is one of studio that’s taking a proactive approach to combating crunch.
Riley Constantine at Escapist Magazine

Apex Legends’ total stream views drop from 40m to 10m in just a month
The battle royale’s phenomenal success is seemingly waning, dropping 75 per cent of its viewership within a month of its release.
Vikki Blake at MCV

Epic Games boss says they'll stop doing exclusives if Steam gives developers more money
Tim Sweeney tweeted that his company would end its controversial exclusivity agreements if Steam raised its revenue cut for developers.
Riley MacLeod at Kotaku

Mortal Kombat 11 has franchise’s most successful launch ever, ‘years of content’ planned
Despite being almost three decades old, the Mortal Kombat series is more popular than ever.
Giancarlo Valdes at VentureBeat


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Facebook Instant Games In App Purchases - Phaser tutorial
We're going to learn how to create In App purchases within a Facebook Instant Game Phaser 3 game. This is a powerful way for your game to generate revenue if handled correctly.
Richard Davey at PhaserIO

Create animated sunburst effects for your HTML5 games with Phaser
It's easy and fun to create a sunburst effect with Phaser, in a few lines as always.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


Pop quiz hot shot. Your JavaScript app is on fire; what do you do? 🔥⏳💣
Answer: Open Honeybadger’s incident report in PagerDuty, check the backtrace, fix in GitHub, then attend a DevOps hero parade in your honor. 🎉🙇‍♂️🙌


Tower Defense ECS - TODO MVC for ECS libraries


Rushing rapid in a forest

Starfox Arwing drone in CSS

GLSL: lit volume


Go Chicken Go!

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