— issue #26

Gamedev.js Weekly #26


Bushido Games is changing (bonus: great people for hire)
This is not the easiest thing to write about, but the last few months have been hard for Bushido Games.
Piotr Gawle at Bushido Games blog

All About Karma: Decision Making and Morality in Games
In this article, we'll look at some of the various systems developers have used to allow player agency to affect their narratives, from various morality systems to more simple solutions.
Paul Suddaby at Tuts+ Game Development

On Character Visual Design
Ultimately, the way anything and everything looks in a BioWare game is decided by the Art department—which is separate from the Design deparment.
David Gaider at The Bittersweetest Thing

Apple’s Nitro JavaScript Engine Available To All Apps
Last weeks announcement that Safari would support SPDY wasn’t the only interesting piece of web performance news to come out of Apple’s WWDC 2014 event.
Billy Hoffman at Zoompf Web Performance

JavaScript Emulators
Recently, we have bumped into a couple of curiosities: JavaScript bases emulators.
Iker Jamardo at Ludei blog

How to earn £1.21 from the Amazon App Store in 2.5 years
Two and a half years ago I put These Robotic Hearts of Mine on the Amazon app store. Yesterday I received a cheque for £1.21.
Draknek's Devlog

Marketing Your Indie Game: The Single Most Important Thing That No One Knows How to Do
In this article, we explore the art of marketing, and how you can use it to gain much-needed exposure for your game.
Robert DellaFave at Tuts+ Game Development


HTML5 Mobile Game Development with Phaser
What if you could make games for iOS, Android and the web using the technologies you already know and love: HTML, CSS and JavaScript?
Zenva Academy

Making a Game. Part 4: Mobile Devices
This is the fourth part of the Blend4Web gamedev tutorial. Today we'll add support for mobile devices and will program touch controls.
Evgeny Rodygin at Blend4Web blog

Indie game, indie trailer
Showing your work is incredibly important in this industry. A trailer can be your calling card. Putting together a nice-looking trailer can help showing the features of a game, without the need of having the game finished.
Roketronz at Coffee Powered Machine


Mobile Game Engineer at Weeby.co
Weeby.co Game Engineers love making games. They’ve been making games for years, whether on a mobile phone or a card table, on their own and just for themselves to play or at a major studio. We want people who know their JavaScript and who enjoy making fun casual games to be played by millions.


Go HTML5 or Die - Berlin gamedev meetup
Come join us for an Open House on July 10th in our SOFTGAMES' HQ to hear our CEO Alexander Krug talk about why HTML5 is the future of mobile gaming.


Discover Phaser book, learn how to make HTML5 games

HTML5 Shoot 'em Up in an Afternoon book, learn game programming with Phaser


CaptainOpcode - game engine in the console experiment

JS Robot - JavaScript challenge


Back to Candyland: Episode 1
HTML5 game with great animation, colours and elements.

Gorescript - open-source browser-based modern Doom clone built with Three.js

Hungry Fridge - HTML5 game with Gamepad API support built with Phaser

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