— issue #227

Gamedev.js Weekly #227


Latest Chrome update may have broken millions of web-based games
It now appears the Chrome 66 update has had some unintended consequences that threaten web-based games.
Phillip Tracy at The Daily Dot

World of Warcraft gold is worth 7 times more than Venezuela's currency
Venezuela's currency, the bolívar, has been drastically losing value on the global market ahead of its reform in June.
Kellen Beck at Mashable

Polish studio Acram Digital banned from Steam for review tampering
Acram Digital has been kicked off Steam after one of its developers was caught manipulating reviews.
Chris Kerr at Gamasutra

Nintendo Switch Online: everything we know
These are Nintendo Switch Online’s perks and benefits.
Allegra Frank at Polygon

Gaming has gone mainstream, but it still has room to grow
The global games market is expected to grow from $137.9 billion in 2018 to more than $180.1 billion in 2021, according to market researcher Newzoo.
Dean Takahashi at GamesBeat


Build a HTML5 game like Knife Hit with Phaser 3 using only tweens and trigonometry – changing target speed
We're changing target rotation at a certain interval of time, to make the game harder.
Emanuele Feronato's blog

Code optimizations for game development: basic structures and mindsets
Benchmarking your game against the computers and consoles that your potential players are using will help to keep a balance between optimization and sanity.
Kyle Speaker at Tuts+ Game Development

js13kPWA: how to make PWAs re-engageable using Notifications and Push
Instead of relying only on user actions, we can do more, using push messages and notifications to automatically re-engage and deliver new content whenever it is available.
MDN Web Docs


Quick - JavaScript game framework

Patch.js - incremental script loader for mobile web


Infinity gauntlet

Fruit party popper

Aggretsuko animated MorphSVG


Lost Without You

Blackjack Master

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