— issue #217

Gamedev.js Weekly #217


Predicting 2018 sales based on past data
I need to know how much money I can expect to earn from game sales, tax breaks and whatever else may come my way in order to know how much runway I’ve got.
Jake Birkett at Grey Alien Games

Soda constructor (revisited)
I didn't wait long and decided to write my own version of the app from scratch.
Maciej Matyka's blog

Game AI: the bots strike back
The following is a short extract taken from our new book, HTML5 Games: Novice to Ninja, written by Earle Castledine.

Create VR on the Web using Unity3D
We are happy to announce our latest tool by Mozilla, Unity WebVR Assets. This tool allows creators to publish and share VR experiences they created in Unity on the open web, with a simple URL or link.
Casey Yee at Mozilla Hacks

Game level generation using neural networks
This is a postmortem, the log of what our team has tried in order to generate levels in Fantasy Raiders using various artificial neural network methods.
Seungback Shin at Gamasutra


Your first Phaser 3 + Matter.js physics example
One of the new Phaser 3 features is Matter.js, a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web written directly in JavaScript.
Emanuele Feronato's blog

Phaser multiplayer game tutorial, part 7: enter username
We’re going to store the input of the users. See also: part 8: hosting our game.
Jason Yang's blog


Sitepoint book - HTML5 games: novice to ninja

Humble Bundle books - code your own games


Glass galaxies

Three.js and Web Audio API


Coding Slither.io in one week with JavaScript

Off the Cuff: imposter syndrome


Warehouse Panic


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