— issue #198

Gamedev.js Weekly #198


Humble Bundle has been acquired by media giant IGN
Media giant IGN announced today that it has acquired Humble Bundle, the company best known for selling packs of indie games at pay-what-you-want prices.
Alex Wawro at Gamasutra

What happened after three developers pirated their own games
Game developers have been trying to figure out how to paddle their way through pirate-infested waters for decades.
Nathan Grayson at Kotaku

I released a game on Steam a couple of weeks ago.
It... didn’t do well. Here’s my experience.
Myroidtc at Reddit

US wins first giant-robot duel against Japan
Eagle Prime and Kuratas go head-to-head in the first giant-robot duel.
Stephanie Mlot at Geek

Emotional Fugitive Detector turns your face into a game controller
Emotional Fugitive Detector is an imposing silver box from a dystopian future in which personal expression has been outlawed.
Stephanie Chan at GamesBeat


Making of The Danger Crew battle demo
I’ve been working on it for a few months and am super excited to share some behind the scenes details of the project.
Drew Conley at CodePen

Texture masks using a shader
We will learn how to use shaders to mask and animate textures in real time. It's for advanced users who are already aware of how the PlayCanvas Engine and Editor work.
Playing in Canvas

HTML5 Boom Dots game updated to Phaser 2.9.1 with commented source code
Click/tap anywhere on the stage to fire the small ball before it disappears to the bottom of the stage. Hit the big ball to score points and advance levels.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


Jazzari - the programmable trio

Pixel Lab - a pixel art app intended for mobile devices


Mini Tetris

Path Finder

Launch a rocketship


Sky Kid Mini

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