— issue #190

Gamedev.js Weekly #190


HTML5 games on the VK platform
Today we are introducing Direct Games, an HTML5-based platform for games that can be launched within VK mobile applications.
Maxim Babichev at VK

Why mobile games are appearing in arcades all over the world
Crossy Road to Flappy Bird, but in real life.
James Peckham at TechRadar

I’m a successful game developer?
Every now and then I’ll get an email asking “do you have any advice on how to be a successful game developer?”
Draknek's Devlog

Mobile games rethink ads: roadblock or reward
King Digital is testing mobile game ads in a new format, opening a revenue stream Wall Street analysts think could hit $1 billion by 2019.
Sarah E. Needleman at The Wall Street Journal

Facebook and Supercell partner on Clash of Clans AR experience
Facebook and Clash of Clans creator Supercell are teaming up to promote the mobile strategy game with an augmented reality experience on a smartphone.
Dean Takahashi at VentureBeat


How to create a HTML5 3D flipping card animation… in 2D using Phaser
If you plan to create card games, it will come a time when you have to show covered cards, showing their backs, and then you need to flip them showing their value.
Emanuele Feronato's blog

Building a multiplayer TicTacToe game with Meteor
I’ll show you how to build a multiplayer TicTacToe with Meteor, using its default front-end templating engine, Blaze.
Paul Orac at SitePoint


Zenva Phaser Hackathon – submissions and thank you


Eclipse inspired pens


Siggraph 2017 - WebGL BOF

Iron Harvest teaser trailer


Knight of Magic

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