Make the most of seasonal games
Today we will be going over holliday game creation, and how to make the most of your seasonal games.
Firenibbler's blog
Gen Jam 2016 - procedurally generating sprites
The idea was to spend a Saturday creating an art generator, a "thing that makes a thing" if you will.
David York at Gamasutra
Jam favorites: js13KGames 2016
I was able to play and record all of the games entered into this jam in my video compilation series. Below are a few of my favorites, in no particular order.
Jupiter Hadley at Fireside by Game Jolt
Facebook Messenger launches Instant Games
They load in seconds since they’re built on the HTML5 mobile web standard, rather than having to be downloaded like clunky native apps.
Josh Constine at Tech Crunch
JavaScript / HTML5 Game Developer (m/f) @ SOFTGAMES, Berlin
Using displacement shaders to create an underwater effect
We're going to look at distortion as a way to visually communicate the presence of water - imagine that you're standing at the edge of a pool and peering at things inside.
Omar Shehata at Tuts+ Game Development
Advanced rendering with Phaser
Phaser CE features three significant new updates to the way the rendering works. If used, these can significantly improve performance of your games.
Richard Davey at Phaser
URL rewriting with Github Pages
If you provide a 404.html, any URL that doesn’t exist will be handled by that. Wait a second, is that basically how we do nice URLs on the server anyway?
Lea Verou's blog
The Complete Virtual Reality Game Development Course
The best of JavaScript and the web - game engines
Reverse clip path with blend modes
Smudge and randomize image with Pixi.js mesh and GSAP