— issue #149

Gamedev.js Weekly #149


WebVR support in PlayCanvas
Today we’re really excited to announce support for WebVR into the PlayCanvas Editor.
Dave at PlayCanvas blog

DeepMind and Blizzard to release StarCraft II as an AI research environment
At BlizzCon 2016 we announced our collaboration with Blizzard Entertainment to open up StarCraft II to AI and Machine Learning researchers around the world.
Oriol Vinyals at DeepMind blog

Learning with the great: Pokemon gaming levels
As a developer, it would be a tremendous loss to not see firsthand what we can learn from this 20-year-old franchise.
Jerrod Bacon at Black Shell Media

Owlboy: the indie platformer that took 10 years to build
It has come out of nowhere to become one of 2016’s most critically acclaimed games. But this overnight success has been a long time coming.
Chris Priestman at The Guardian

Video games are boring
Everywhere I go, I meet people who don't like video games.
Brie Code at GamesIndustry


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Building shaders with Babylon.js
Shaders are a key concept if you want to unleash the raw power of your GPU. I will help you understand how they work and even experiment with their inner power in an easy way, thanks to Babylon.js.
David Catuhe at Smashing Magazine

Understanding Phaser array utilities using ArrayUtils class
Phaser comes with some interesting utilities which will help you during the creation and the manipulation of arrays.
Emanuele Feronato's blog

Implementing game control mechanisms: desktop gamepad controls
We'll look at adding something extra — support for gamepad controls, via the Gamepad API. It brings a console-like experience to your web games.
MDN Games


Curated list of awesome Phaser libraries, resources and shiny things

Free ebook: Build Pacman - learn modern JavaScript, HTML5, Canvas, and a bit of EmberJS


Meshi the CSS Dog

Fizzy Sparks


JS13K show and tell - Ash Kyd, Glen Arrowsmith and Kory Nunn at BrisJS


Viking: Way to Valhalla

Endless Truck

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