— issue #14

Gamedev.js Weekly #14


WebRTC Data Channels for Great Multiplayer
WebRTC is getting great press lately for it’s amazing applications in voice and video communication. But did you know that WebRTC also has support for peer-to-peer data?
Ack at Mozilla Hacks

The Search for a JavaScript Game Engine: Part 2
I have been hesitating to write this article because of the complexity of choosing an engine.
Adam Holden's blog

Build HTML5 games for the mobile browser – The facts and the f(r)iction
More power to the browser, but be realistic and balanced please.
James McNess at Code and Visual

How to come up with ideas
Since I started my "one game per week" challenge on lessmilk I noticed that the most common question that I've been getting in my inbox is "how do you come up with new interesting ideas every week?"
LessMilk's blog

Little Things – Game Score Screen
I’m going to start a series of “Little Things” posts, a bunch of (hopefully) short articles on little graphical things to help juice up a game.
Nabil at Khela Interactive

Are HTML5 Games the Future?
Game developers aren’t having an easy time of it. Multiple devices, platforms, and audiences make it complicated getting a new game out there... getting played, let alone getting paid.
Sponsored article


Collision detection with SVG
Collision detection in SVG are really powerful. There are already SVG built in functions called getIntersectionList() and checkIntersection().

Publishing HTML5 Games on the Chrome Web Store
Monetization on the web is harder than it is on mobile app stores, where payment processing is standardised and credit card details are stored.
Will at PlayCanvas

Using the touch screen in your HTML5 games on Android devices powered by Intel
With the dramatic acceptance rate of smartphones and tablets has come an enormous shift in the way spontaneous experiences are delivered on these touch devices.

Getting started with Phaser and WebStorm
There are many tutorials for Phaser, but nothing was done for Phaser and WebStorm. I hope this little document will help beginners.
Patrick Mantout blog

How to create a complete HTML5 2048 game with Phaser
Some days ago I showed you ho to create a jQuery-only working game like Threes. Now it’s time to do the same game using HTML5 with Phaser framework.
Emanuele Feronato's blog


Hello World Open - develop an AI for a race car, become World Champion


CutJS is lightweight, fast and interactable 2D HTML5 rendering engine for game development

Juicy Craft - GameMaker:Studio extension


Untrusted - a user JavaScript adventure game

Escape from XP

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